Pepper Rutland’s Blog

Tips for Choosing Quality Employees for your Business
No matter how solid your business is, it will never be successful without quality employees. How do you know if you’re choosing a quality employee or not? The following are some guidelines to choosing the right employees for your company. Prescreen Candidates While a...

Do You Have the Personality to be a Philanthropist?
Donating your time and money to a charity or a foundation is a selfless act, no doubt, but it takes a certain type of person, a certain type of personality, to become a proclaimed philanthropist. It’s more than just giving money or volunteering for an hour, it’s...

Getting the Most of Your Internship
Having an internship is different than having a part-time job. With an internship, you have an opportunity to see if this is a career you would like to pursue, find out if this line of work is too much or simply gain get on the job experience you wouldn’t get anywhere...

Four Essential Questions for Leaders
Many aspiring impresarios lunge forward with lofty, but fuzzy, ideals of leadership. Lacking a clear picture of what leadership means to them, entrepreneurs and their teams often end up floundering in utter confusion over responsibilities and purpose. Instead of...

Tips for Launching Corporate Responsibility at your Company
Corporate social responsibility - often abbreviated as CSR in business jargon - is defined by Financial Times as "a business approach that contributes to sustainable development by delivering economic, social, and environmental benefits for all stakeholders." Also...

How to Encourage Philanthropy in the Workplace
One of the buzzwords circulating in the business world today is “culture.” Employees, especially Millennials, are attracted to businesses with great culture. One of the best ways to create a positive culture is through philanthropic work. This is just one of the...

How to Create the Next Generation of Leaders
Anyone who is in a position of authority at their company most likely feels as if the world is on their shoulders. Decisions, responsibility, and ultimately the results stop with them, which makes it vital for them to make the right call. One of the best ways to...

How to Prove Yourself after a Promotion
Everyone has heard of “Impostor Syndrome.” It is a pattern of thought wherein the individual second guesses their success and feels as if they don't belong. Hopefully that's never the case for anyone, but those who find themselves in such a position may feel as if...

Tips for Writing a Business Plan
A business plan is a valuable tool that can help you secure the capital you need to fund your small business. If you plan to approach several banks for a small-business loan, they will require a business plan. A well thought out plan outlines your company's vision and...

Powerful Ways to Thank your Employees
With today's fast-paced marketplace and high rate of turnover in some industries, it's common for employees to feel unappreciated and taken for granted. That's why it's important for employers to take the time to express a message of thanks to those hard-working...